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Happiness coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

What is coaching?


Coaching is for people who want to make changes in their lives and a life coach does for your mind what a sports coach does for your body! Life coaching originated in the United States during the 1980's and although the word 'coaching' is traditionally associated with sports, the idea has spread to all walks of life and become hugely popular. Life coaching is about long-term excellence. It's not about therapy and examining the past. Even successful people are increasingly turning to coaching as a means to be more successful. Coaching is both a professional and confidential relationship between the 'Client' and 'Coach'. It takes an holistic approach, exploring the present and designing the future in a non-judgemental way. The coach will help you to decide on clear specific actions towards your goals, guiding and supporting you in moving forward in your life by gaining clarity on values and beliefs and focusing on significant areas such as career, self-development, family, relationships, health, wealth, fun and recreation. 


Everyone already has all the skills they need to succeed and if you want to change your life for the better,

live your own dream, have a happy balanced life ... Love your life, 'The Happy Life Coach' can show you how to

use them!

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Is coaching the same as counselling?


The difference between life coaching and counselling is that whereas counselling looks at your past to find an appropriate solution to a particular problem; life coaching focuses on making practical and positive change/s now! Coaching considers every dimension of your life, by focusing on the present and the future and does not dwell on your past. A coach may work with a client who has no particular problem and has a good balanced life but clearly wants the coach to guide and support them in making their life even more fulfilling! 

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Is coaching for me?


All the sound decisions that you have made in your life until now have clearly created the special person that you are today. By listening to your inner self and being honest with your feelings, you will be able to see if coaching is for you. Please take the time to ask yourself the following questions: Do you wake up every morning feeling happy and excited to start each new day? Do you have clear goals and a focused plan for your future for the next week, month, year?

Are you as successful as you would like to be with your career, finances, relationships, lifestyle and personal happiness?


If you can answer a truthful 'yes' to all the above questions, then coaching might not be of benefit to you. However, if you answered 'no' to any of the questions or even hesitated about your answer - then undoubtedly, life coaching can and will be of help to you!


Even after a few sessions you will be able to reap the rewards from life coaching; by tapping into and unlocking some limiting beliefs, you can change the way you think, the way you feel and thus the results you achieve. In fact it could be a life-changing experience!

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How does coaching work?


Coaching is a succession of professional and confidential discussions between 'Client' and 'Coach'. The sessions mainly take place face to face (we are based within a mile of Romford town centre). However, some clients prefer a mixture of telephone, SKYPE and face to face or just one of the alternatives. (The client is responsible for calling the coach at the arranged time). It is very much about the present, the future and focusing on the areas of your life that you would like to change. Life coaching is about long-term excellence.


A life coach will encourage and motivate you to take control of your life, ultimately achieving the right direction for you...


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What is CBT?


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a science-based psychological approach to overcoming problems and emotional distress. It is a way of talking about: 


  • How what you do affects your thoughts and feelings

  • How you think about yourself, the world and other people

  • How your thoughts can affect your emotions and your actions in certain situations


CBT can help you to change how you think ('Cognitive') and what you do ('Behaviour'). CBT recognises that events in your past have shaped the way that you currently think and behave. In particular, thought patterns and behaviours learned in childhood. However, CBT does not dwell on the past, but aims to find solutions on how to change your current thoughts and behaviours so that you can function better now and in the future.


When does CBT help? 


CBT has been shown to help with many issues including amongst others: Anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic, agoraphobia, social phobia, stress, anger, lack of confidence ...


CBT has repeatedly been shown in clinical trials to be an effective treatment for a wide range of problems. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommend CBT as the psychological treatment of choice.


"When you see your situation in a different way, the knock-on effect is that you will behave differently in that situation. In fact it could be a life-changing experience!"





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What is NLP?


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the art and science of personal excellence.


NLP was developed in the 1970's by John Grinder, a Professor of Linguistics and Richard Bandler, a Psychologist. Their initial work began by exploring how highly effective people achieved their results and they turned their attention to three sound individual therapists who excelled in their own field: Virginia Satir, Milton H. Erickson and Fritz Perls. Grinder and Bandler's studies showed that by modelling their thinking (Neuro), feelings, language (Linguistic) and patterns of behaviour (Programming) they were able to produce similar outcomes. Primarily NLP is about how people become successful at things; by focusing on what they want and looking for models of excellence to achieve their goals.



  • 'Neuro' refers to neurology, the study of the mind and how we think


  • 'Linguistic' relates to the language that we use, including internal dialogue within ourselves


  • 'Programming' applies to the actions we take to achieve our goals



Picture this: You are the sum of your experiences. Everything you have done affects your present and everything you do affects your future. Even your body represents your past (that's food for thought!) Programming involves unlocking those limiting beliefs, thoughts, feelings and patterns of behaviour which are no longer appropriate. These may well be a change in habit or a long-buried memory. Some of us however are stuck in the past and this may be having an effect on our decisions tomorrow. Ask yourself: Are you going to carry all that 'baggage' around forever or step outside your comfort zone?


"NLP provides ways of helping you become more competent at what you do, more in control of your thoughts, feelings and actions, more positive in your approach to life and better able to achieve results; the craft of personal perfection".


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How many sessions will I need?


Each client is unique, so Sally will tailor the sessions to meet your goals, needs and lifestyle. Most clients have 6 - 8 sessions weekly or fortnightly over a 3 - 6 month period, with the duration between sessions lengthening, as the coaching process progresses. 


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What are the fees?


A free telephone consultation is given to all prospective clients upon initial enquiry. Each coaching session costs £60 and lasts for 50 minutes. All coaching sessions must be paid for by either cash or cheque at the time of the session. We also accept payment via PayPal. If less than twenty-four hours notice is given for any cancellation / reshedule, the full fee maybe charged.

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Want to find out more?


Please contact Sally for a free confidential coaching consultation.


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